30. Januar 2025 | 12:00 13:30

Need some inspiration for the beginning of the year?
Then join us in a Zoom session January 30 (12:00 pm – 13:30 pm CET) with the three finalists of the European Science Journalist of the Year award 2024!

Our session will be open to all member associations of the European Federation for Science Journalism (EFSJ).

The three science reporters will present their outstanding journalistic work and will be available for questions after their presentations.

Who are the finalists?

First place: Stéphane Horel, France, an investigative journalist at Le Monde, with her cross-border and interdisciplinary Forever Pollution project on PFAS chemicals: https://foreverpollution.eu/about/

Second place: Tim Kalvelage, Germany, a freelance writer and photographer focussing on ocean and climate research, often accompanying scientists on expeditions, from the equator to the poles: https://www.timkalvelage.de/about-me/

Third place: Dora Kršul, Croatia – an investigative journalist with Telegram.hr news portal and reports on numerous discoveries of corruption and crime, especially in the field of higher education, recently she has reported about cases at the university of Zagreb that have stirred important debates on misuse of EU and national funds:

The award recognizes and promotes excellence and innovation in science journalism across Europe, with nominations coming from national science journalism associations as well as individuals. Last year’s award was sponsored by Elsevier.

The online event will be moderated by Astrid Viciano, EFSJ secretary and member of WPK board.

Thursday, January 30, 12:00 pm – 13:30 pm (CET)

Registration via e-mail to wpk@wpk.org. You will receive the Zoom link by 29 January 15, 2025

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